Hopefully, this profoundly disgraceful chapter in the annals of the so-called "Resistance" is finally over and the Senate will finally return to the process leading to the confirmation of an eminently qualified judge to the Supreme Court.
It's really kind of tragic that the party I grew up in hasn't grown up as well. It's worse that they have grown to display so much contempt for not only the letter of the Constitution and any pride in being Americans, but also for concepts that are vital elements of the fabric that makes our country both unique and truly great.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the rule of law, civility...
None of these concepts apply to today's Democrats, just as unbiased, truthful reporting no longer applies to the liberal mainstream media.
This is not the first time the Democratic Party has employed drummed up sexual allegations to eliminate someone whose honorable and patriotic worldview didn't conform to theirs.
Remember when David "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" Axelrod falsely smeared 2012 Republican primary candidate Herman Cain? That was done because the last person Barack Obama needed running against him was a mega-successful black man who had grown up poor in the Jim Crow south.
The timing and details involved in the three attempts by the Democrats to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's reputation, career and family life were so obvious, to anyone who thought about it, as to show us "average Americans" how little respect they have for our intelligence.
The Fine Steen and her cohorts have also shown us how little respect they have for the overall process of confirming an associate justice to the highest court in the land.
I watched Judge Kavanaugh give his very strong, sincere testimony before the committee today, and whenever the face of Dianne Feinstein came on camera, you could see nothing there but pure evil.
Like everything else that these people have made a mockery of, they've now politically weaponized the Me Too movement.
These are people who are so despicably bent on taking control of our government and imposing a new order that any true, liberty loving American will not like even one bit.
They have shown themselves of late to oppose virtually every concept of American sensibility, love of country and morality.
I fervently hope that the majority of voting Americans realize what's very definitely at stake, at this point in time, when they go to the polls in November.
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