Friday, September 28, 2018

Flake Lives Up to His Name

Yes, Flake flaked out.

Two posts ago I presented my views on the kerfuffle the Democrats have created around what should have been simply the confirmation of a new associate justice to the Supreme Court, basically turning it into a cesspool for purely partisan "gain."

That and the fact that the media has been burying us for days in an avalanche of more partisan Kavanaugh reporting is the reason I won't bother recapping.

Instead, I will say that, after the delayed confirmation was approved on the more than expected 11-10 party line vote, Sen. Flake, rather than bring it right to a vote by the entire Senate, bent to the will of the Fine Steen and pushed back the vote yet another week to have the FBI conduct a completely pointless "investigation" that will undoubtedly yield no additional information.

Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh and his family have to wait another week before, hopefully, the nightmare is finally over.

And believe me, for a church-going and very wholesome Christian family like the Kavanaughs apparently are, this ordeal has to be a nightmare.

This is a prime example of why, while I am very much against what today's version of the Democrats are doing to this country, I am not a registered Republican, either, haven't been since 2006.

Between January of 1995 and January of 2007, the Republicans held a stronger majority in both the House and Senate. Twelve years. Between January of 2001 and January of 2009 there was also a Republican president. Six years of a combined Congressional majority and same party president, and after the smoke cleared, the country had moved farther to the left.

This has very little to do with the will of the people, it has a great deal to do with the character of the politicians that the bulk of Republican voters keep sending to Congress and keep reelecting.

The Democrats no longer represent the American working class, they are hand-in- glove with elitist "progressives" who are, for the most part, wealthier than middle class. These people are, because they are more expensively educated and better "heeled," are in all too many cases  self-styled intellectuals who believe that members of their "enlightened" club are far more qualified to determine what is best for the rest of us.

This is where the leftists come into the picture.

These are well financed groups as well as individuals whose goal is to take down the American behemoth, render our Constitution moot and ease this great country, using the boiling frog method, into the arms of socialism.

Our gullible (Lenin called them "useful idiots") liberals, er, "progressives," were and are an easy sell for the leftists and at the same time, Democrat politicians, in fact the entire party structure, were and are taking large campaign contributions from the left.

Despite all the noble words heaped upon them by colleagues after they die, career politicians are, to get right down to it, whores. They take someone's money...

...and they have to sing for their supper.

The worst mix of leftist propaganda is the combination derived from said input and money with the liberal elitists who are most entrenched in the Democratic Party, already rich politicians like Nancy Pelosi or the Fine Steen.

The frog in their collective pot has mostly come to a boil. America is mired in destructive identity politics, our moral fabric has been badly frayed and the left, consisting now of the "progressives," the far left and bought & paid for Democrat politicians are attacking every American institution, fighting tooth and nail against every common sense policy and idea that presents itself.

The media is right there with them, lying to us just as the Democrats, from Obama to Pelosi to Hillary Clinton to the Fine Steen are lying to us, fighting desperately to either eliminate or belittle the positive changes the Trump Presidency has been overseeing, playing the filthiest and most dishonorable politics in the history of our country.

And the Republicans?

They, too, are whores, but unfortunately they are weak, rubber spined, gutless whores who, not wanting to offend anybody who might vote for them, are easily bullied by the Democrats.

All a Democrat has to do is call any Republican a "racist," a "facist," any kind of a "phobe" and that Republican instantly becomes the Democrat's snivelling, boot licking ass boy. What a way to win a war, just call the enemy names and surrender is imminent.

What I find most disturbing about them is that these Republicans are not stupid, all of them know the stakes at this stage of the game, yet they love their lifestyles and their status more than they love their country or give a damn about the people back home who elected and reelected their sorry carcasses.

So they aren't as willing to fight against what the Democratic Party has in store for us as the Democrats are willing to fight them, and by extension, us.

We, the People.

Anyone who has been paying attention should realize what's at stake. The folks on the left have given us fair and blatant warning:

An end to U.S. sovereignty via wide open borders/ sanctuary cities and states, unmitigated kowtowing to a U.N. that holds anything but an America First agenda at heart, rewriting most of the Bill of Rights to our detriment, including the rights to freedom of religion and the presumption of innocence, treating the taxpayers like an ATM while enacting socialist policies that will further degrade personal ambition, drive employers back offshore between suffocating taxation and regulation; They will preside over increases in crime and racial tensions, an education system deteriorating even further than it has, a weaker military and an open season for the corrupt.

We have already seen how the Democrats turned a blind eye to Hillary Clinton's corruption as Secretary of State, from her pay to play hijinx to the Uranium One episode, the way the Obama Adyministration dragged the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA under its shameless umbrella of corruption as they gave Hillary Clinton a free pass on her email server "discrepancy" and illegally fabricated a Russia Collusion smear against President Trump that for some reason hasn't yet gone away.

We saw how Obama's first Attorney General, Eric Holder, managed to skate on the issue of his culpability for the "Fast and Furious" debacle, how Hillary's totally inexcusable Benghazi tragedy was simply swept under a rug by the Democrats, so that later she wasn't even criticized by her fellow Democrats when she said of the Benghazi affair, "At this point, what does it matter?"

We saw the "Affordable Healthcare Act," in which Obama said, "You can keep your health insurance" and later millions of working/middle class families lost their insurance because ObamaCare drove insurers' costs up astronomically. Before the vote, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had said, "You have to vote for it to know what's in it."

We saw President Obama sign an agreement, without obtaining the required Congressional approval, called the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," JCPOA, that put a mere sunset clause on Iranian abandonment of their aggressive nuclear ambitions while bankrolling the ayatollah and friends with more than enough money, hard U.S. cash, to foment terrorism and insurrection throughout the Middle East and points south while their  citizens we're going hungry.

Then we saw Obama's other award winning secretary of state, John Kerry, acting as a "private citizen," travelling to Tehran to try and undermine President Trump's withdrawal from the bad deal. That was essentially treason, but the Democrats (and the liberal media) were completely silent about it.

Now, having said all of the above, think about this:

Having demonstrated that corruption doesn't bother them as long as another Democrat is involved and seeing the mess that socialism had made of certain other countries that were previously doing quite well and seeing also how corruption and oppression of those who disagree with the party in charge are part and parcel of a socialist government, coupled with what the Democrats have been up to, why would any American want to see that party come out on top? I mean last time I looked we were a capitalist republic, not a masochistic republic.

Which brings us back to the Republican Party. 

What are those people doing? Bringing a knife to a gunfight? Attempting to follow Queensbury rules in a street fight?

The Tea Party, whose people saw where things were going, had the right idea: Vote out ineffective or "lite" Republicans and elect candidates who would get up on their hind legs and fight for the principles that made America the greatest and most unique nation in history.

Once the Tea Party helped secure a new majority for the party, the establishment Republican politicians viewed them as a threat and shoved them aside.

Maybe we need the Tea Party back in full strength. Between them and President Trump, we could send the leftists back under the stone from whence they came and continue restoring America to the peak of greatness.

1 comment:

  1. And the Republicans?

    They, too, are whores, but unfortunately they are weak, rubber spined, gutless whores....

