In my last post I mentioned that I see Kalifornia as, because of the essentially "nothing too left" political environment, very likely headed for near total anarchy.
I see the Democrats, who are forever moving farther from American norms and more toward the totalitarian left, as being complicit, wittingly or unwittingly, with entities like George Soros who want to push us as far to port as they can.
Most of these are citizens who vote for Democrats because they've always voted for Democrats.. It's how they vote, period.
Many of the rest are what Lenin called western liberals: "useful idiots."
These are the ones the voters put and keep eternally in office, and the wealthy liberal elitists who, as a collective, are clueless as to where this all can lead.
If you've ever read The Scarlet Pimpernel, which is set during the French Revolution, remember all those hundreds of people the common, rank and file Frenchmen we're beheading on the guillotine?
Those were these same liberal elitists, only in another country in another time.
Now, while I'd be the last person to suggest that anyone deserves to be thusly dispatched, or even harrassed for their political beliefs, I will say that they are actually very silly fools.
For one thing, this plunge into anarchy that is inevitable if we continue using illegal immigration as a political football instead of the threat it actually is from the standpoints of both economic considerations and public safety.
If we don't do something about the homelessness crisis, the opioid crisis...
...and it's not only a problem with opioids, in Kalifornia there are meth heads running amok in cities like Los Angeles, Santa Monica, San Francisco... Used needles laying around on sidewalks, feces as well, raggedy tents lining city blocks, and a large percentage of the drugs being purchased on the street is financed by the taxpayer.
Thousands of young people in their twenties and thirties, living on the streets, collecting welfare or Social Security disability and buying little other than illegal drugs, spending their monthly incomes in less than a week, then panhandling, shoplifting or whatever else they need to do to obtain their crank, crack or other contraband substances.
The social security administration doles out disability to non-disabled, "just lazy" or "too busy partying to be bothered with work" types.
Local liberal politicians ensure that their police forces "go easy" on such people.
Because, like all the other deviations from the norms, it adds to the anarchy.
Here is the problem with these leftists' lines of reasoning.
The purpose of creating a state of anarchy in a country is to eventually drive the masses to declare "enough is enough!" and demand that the government take control and rid society of the lawlessness.
In that way, a government can take control with the tacit approval of the people to take "extraordinary measures" to instill security and peace...
The government turns totalitarian, and by the time the people realize what they've allowed to happen, it's too late.
As is always the case with the left wing, like today's Democrats, they never take things like human nature or ultimate costs into account when they make plans for our future.
This is why I think they're collectively as dumb as a box of rocks.
What they don't get is that unlike in the past, "the people" in this case are not peasants of old. They, we, are Americans who would fight before we would submit to the kind of government the left wants to foist on us.
Unfortunately, when we reach the point where the left wants to take us, we would be in a state of complete ruin as a nation.
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