Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The International Court of "Justice" Tries Dictating To the U.S.

The International Court of Justice, an arm of the United Nations, has "ordered" that the Trump Administration curtail certain sanctions against Iran that they believe violate the Amity agreement we made with Iran over 60 years ago that includes humanitarian and related aid to what has since become an Islamic theocracy that wilfully and aggressively not only rules its citizens with a monstrous and heavy hand, but uses whatever assets it can lay hands on to disrupt peace and stability throughout the region, from funding terrorism to arming, equipping and supporting insurrectionists.

We withdrew from the International Court years ago, anyway, because it was obvious that where the United States was concerned, it was weaponized by numerous third world dictatorships and others, as well as certain "allies," to undermine what amounted to modifying American global policies to our detriment.

Now, after Iran's government "took us to task" before that "court,"  that have ruled that our sanctions on Iran violate this agreement enacted with a country which, to all intents and purposes, is no longer the same country.

At the same time, while its decrees are "binding," this "court" does not actually possess the necessary power to enforce its decisions.

On the other hand, the people who live under the brutal heel of the ayatollah-run Iranian government, the citizens of Iran, are having a tough time of it as instead of using its monetary assets to provide for the good of the people, their government uses its funds to finance it's unwelcome and supremely disruptive external adventures.

That is one of several reasons the Iranian people have been clamoring for regime change, an end to rule by the despotic mullahs, and it would behoove America to support this movement by continuing the sanctions, thereby further weakening the government over there and by extension furthering the cause of those seeking a more benevolent national leadership.

We must also realize the fact that the UN, of which that court as a whole belongs to, contains too many small, hostile third world s**tholes whose leaders want to see America cut down to size and have votes at the UN on issues related to our interests.

Which is one reason why our membership in that global body is not beneficial to the United States in any way, and why our continued hosting and disproportionately financing it with yours and my tax dollars has, for far too long, been a really stupid idea.

Worse yet, the United Nations has, over the years, grown too big for its proverbial britches and blatantly demonstrates ambitions to become a global government whose interests supercede the sovereignty of its member countries, including ours.

One excellent example is its climate change related agenda, supposedly based on the as yet unproven theory of anthropogenic global warming, which is no more than a bid to insert themselves into the economies of developed nations and share the wealth of their taxpayers with corrupt and stifling regimes that contribute nothing to the rest of the world other than refugees escaping their listless economies. Naturally, the UN would hold the purse strings of the socialist world they envision.

Now they, through their "justice" court, expect our country to go against our own sensibilities and security judgements to accommodate their corrupt and oppressive friends in Tehran. More to that story is the fact that the EU, even knowing that ours is the right move, cares more about our sanctions interfering with their commercial interests in Iran than they do about the mayhem the Iranian regime is responsible for. As a result, they support our returning (not very likely) to the incredibly naive "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," or JCPOA, embraced by the Obama Administration.

President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo should tell the "International Court of Justice" where to insert their latest ruling and move on, treating both the court and the ruling with the same amusement with which a big dog might treat a snarling chihuahua.

Monday, October 1, 2018

...or get off the pot

I know, the Kavanaugh fiasco simply won't go away, you can't open up a newspaper, watch a news broadcast, visit a news website or a political blog, or read an opinion page without seeing, hearing or reading something about the circus that the Democrats have made of what should have been a simple Supreme Court confirmation process.

The entire circus should have packed up its tents and moved on last week after the hearing in which both Judge Kavanaugh and his most credible (though not credible in the slightest if the requirement of any trace of evidence was present) accuser had concluded.

The full Senate should have held the final confirmation vote immediately after, not after still another week (this time of pointless FBI  inquiries).

Even the most profoundly obtuse man or woman observing this fiasco would have to realize beyond the shadow of a doubt that this entire issue is nothing but a delaying tactic by the Democratic Party, who are willing to destroy a good man's reputation and career without even the slightest compunction and make a mockery of the entire confirmation process just to prevent that deserved and highly worthy confirmation from taking place until their perceived "blue wave" gives them the majority they need to scuttle the entire Kavanaugh nomination.

They even have an unfounded perjury charge lined up to further delay the process for when the FBI'S so-called "investigation" has concluded; anything to delay.

This is chicken droppings that should offend every American, both because the Democrats are insulting our intelligence by trying to sell us the lie that they are doing this because they are "concerned" about Brett Kavanaugh's integrity and morality, and because they are, in every way, shape and form, not only setting a disgraceful precedent but making a true mockery of our judicial system.

This is, frankly, because today's Democrats haven't got a lick of respect for America's institutions, Constitution or, for that matter, the American people as a whole.

They seek nothing but power, and when they have it, they use it to subjugate every norm, concept and liberty we as Americans have enjoyed since some of the smartest people in history sat down together and drafted the Constitution.

Eight years of Obama and a lot of hard cash to Democrats courtesy of the likes of George Soros and others of his ilk have brought our country, after decades of hard work by the far left, to an actual precipice... One very small push is all it will take to change this great nation for the worse, and that push could come if the Democrats achieve a majority in Congress this November.

If the Democrats succeed at knocking Kavanaugh put of the box, the GOP can kiss the November midterm elections goodbye. It will show even most die hard Republican voters that their party stands for nothing but hot air, broken promises, weakness and capitulation, and all too many of those people will simply shrug and say "Why bother voting? It doesn't matter whom I vote for, because the Republicans aren't going to fight for me and the Democrats, no matter what they promise, offer nothing I want any part of."

In short, if the Republicans want to win this November, they absolutely must retain some semblance of credibility, and that means they absolutely must break their recent tradition of snivelling in the face of the Democratic Party and use their present majority the way the Democrats would use theirs, and end the bullshit once and for all by showing they are a potential force and confirming Brett  Kavanaugh as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

If they can't get together and do even that,  they will only confirm what many of us conservatives have already begun to suspect, that the Democrats don't need a majority to get whatever they desire, the Republicans in Congress will gladly surrender to them on any issue without a fight.

I mean, if the Republican Party is that irrelevant anyway, why bother voting? Does it really matter who is in power if only one party has the final say, regardless?

I think not.